Title: EU-LAC Cooperation for Energy Transition

Why is this area relevant and which societal challenges does it address?

There is an international need to transition from the use of fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources. This objective, driven by environmental awareness and concern about the depletion of hydrocarbon reserves, has begun to be reflected in noticeable changes in the energy matrix of different countries. The need to opt for less polluting energy sources has made the energy transition a recurring theme on governmental and business agendas, aiming to address current challenges in the energy sector. The ultimate goal is to replace fossil energy sources due to their significant impact on accelerating climate change.

Energy transition is a crucial issue in the context of sustainable development. The international community seeks to address global energy challenges by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy access, and promoting sustainable development. In this regard, Sustainable Development Goal 7 of the United Nations Agenda 2030 aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. This includes promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and universal access to adequate energy services.

Added Value Gained from EU-LAC Cooperation for Both Regions

The European Union (EU) is investing in clean energies as never before and needs new, reliable allies equally committed to the goal of a green and just energy transition. The EU must modernize its energy networks to support energy system integration and incorporate other decarbonized and low-emission energy carriers, such as renewable hydrogen and lithium technologies (aligned with the Paris Agreement). International problems require international solutions, and the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is a key and natural partner of the EU in this matter. The EU has been actively developing policies for the energy transition for more than a decade to mitigate the effects of climate change. Today, the energy transition is a priority in Europe through the European Green Deal, aiming to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. The contribution of Latin American countries is essential in achieving this goal.

LAC is one of the regions of the world that has suffered the most from climate change, experiencing lost crops, new public health problems, extreme meteorological phenomena, and sixth-generation wildfires. The energy transition presents both a need and an opportunity for the LAC region. The so-called “lithium triangle”, formed by Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, represents 60% of global resources1. Additionally, it is estimated that LAC may produce 12% of global green hydrogen demand by 2050.

The EU-CELAC Summit Declaration of July 2023 highlights the need to promote cooperation and coordination on shared concerns, such as climate change and energy security. This alliance for the energy transition can benefit both regions: Europe can learn about strategies to decarbonize its energy matrix and how to integrate local communities into the construction of energy infrastructure through participatory processes; and Latin America and the Caribbean countries can overcome some of the technical and scientific deficits.

Expected Impact for Both Regions

The aim of the 5th Joint Call is to initiate sustainable and multilateral research cooperation between researchers from Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean countries. In the topic of energy, it is expected that proposals contribute to generating relevant effects on the generation and exchange of knowledge among Europe and LAC to supply solutions for progressive electrification, integrating decarbonized and low-emission energy carriers, especially through renewable hydrogen and biofuel. However, proposals focused on other renewable sources (wind, solar, etc.) are also welcome.

Consequently, apart from the impacts included in the criteria defined in the call, it is expected that proposals submitted through this topic specifically contribute to:

  • Generate innovative solutions oriented toward solving problems of local communities and society, promoting climate neutrality and a clean, sustainable, and just transition of the energy sector to advance toward a resilient society.

  • Improve knowledge about the most viable, useful, and urgent possible applications of hydrogen, biofuel, and other renewable energy sources.

  • Promote policy recommendations and guidelines regarding energy transition.

  • Enhance integration between the EU and LAC to complement strategies, resources, and technologies. This integration involves not only technology but also new models of economic and social links that impact society.

  • Create long-term collaboration between European and Latin American researchers that generate added value to science, research, and innovation in the field of energy transition. The transnational dimension of the project should clearly add value, achieving results that would not be reached by researchers from a single country.

Additional Information: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Topics

Considering this context and these objectives, proposals should encourage a multidisciplinary approach, not only focused on the scientific or technical obstacles preventing a more intensive exploitation of renewable energies. It also aims to take into account the environmental and social dimensions of the phenomenon.

  • Social Aspect: It is essential to consider the social aspect to reach the population. Without this, the necessary energy transformation in Europe and LAC will not be achieved.

  • Environmental Impact: Results related to energy transition must be carefully developed to avoid or mitigate environmental impacts.

Furthermore, according to SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development), projects should be developed through multi-actor operational strategies, engaging relevant stakeholders not only from academia but also from governments, the private sector, and civil society. Consortium candidates are strongly encouraged to take into account participatory and co-designed methodologies to carry out their research and innovation projects.

According to the general call, proposals should promote practices and actions that contribute to open science, such as the measures outlined in the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. Open science does not only focus on ensuring accessibility to scientific knowledge but also emphasizes the importance of fostering an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable environment in the production of such knowledge.

For this reason, FAIR and CARE principles should also be considered in the proposal. Finally, a gender equality perspective is needed as a structural approach to achieving energy security at both national and international levels.


  1. Latin American Economic Outlook 2022: Towards a Green and Just Transition | Latin American Economic Outlook | OECD iLibrary (oecd-ilibrary.org)

  2. OEI | Argentina | Publicaciones | El estado de la ciencia: principales indicadores de ciencia y tecnología iberoamericanos/interamericanos 2022

Fuding agencies

Country Name of Organization Acronym
Argentina Jefatura de Gabinete de ministros - Innovación, ciencia y tecnología ICT
Austria Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung BMBWF
Brazil Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico CNPq
Brazil Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa CONFAP
Germany Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF
Peru Consejo Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica CONCYTEC
Poland Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju NCBR
Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT
Spain Agencia Estatal de Investigación AEI
Türkiye Türkiye Bilimsel vê Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu TÜBITAK
