4th EU-LAC Joint Call in STI 2022

The EU-LAC Interest Group towards the Common Research Area launches a new Joint Call to enhance the bi-regional cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation.

The aim of the Joint Call is to initiate sustainable and multilateral research cooperation between researchers from Europe, Latin-America and the Caribbean countries. Transnational consortia are invited to submit proposals related to six topics in the thematic fields of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy (see call topics below). One of the specificities is the inclusion of four topics based on sharing large Research Infrastructures. Projects will be funded for up to 36 months.


Proposals must be submitted online in English following the Guide for Applicants.

The application consists of two parts, the Project Description Template  form and the online submission form accessible at https://ptoutline.eu/app/eu-lac-2022.

Link to the partner search tool: ENRICH in LAC Matchmaking platform.


  • Brazil (CONFAP): FAPESP/State of São Paulo is joining the call with 400,000€
  • SPAIN (AEI): The AEI is increasing the commitment in the call from 600.000€ to 750.000€.
  • Brazil (CONFAP): FACEPE / State: Pernambuco will participate in the call and FAPEAM - State Funding Agency of Amazonas changes the initial budget indicated to EUR 40.000. Two more State Funding Agencies participate in the call: FAPDF & FAPEPI
  • Germany, Uruguay and Dominican Republic: Maximum contribution per project updated!

Online submission

Online submission form

Topics in the 4th EU-LAC Joint Call in STI 2022

Transnational consortia are invited to submit proposals related to the following 6 topics in the thematic fields of Global Challenges, Health, Biodiversity, and Energy:


  1. Global Challenges I - Interactions and integration between the climate science, Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and other communities. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Poland, Spain (AEI), Turkey, Uruguay.
  2. Global Challenges II - Cross-cutting digital research infrastructure. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Spain (AEI), Turkey.
  1. Health I - Personalised Medicine. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Poland, Spain (AEI and ISCIII), Turkey.
  2. Health II - EU-LAC Regional Hubs: Integrating research infrastructures for Health and Disease. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain (AEI), Turkey, Uruguay.
  1. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Research Infrastructures. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CNPq, CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Panama, Peru, Spain (AEI), Turkey.
  1. Interoperability of energy data spaces for an optimized exploitation by producers and prosumers / Research Infrastructures. Participating funding agencies from: Austria, Bolivia, Brazil (CONFAP), Dominican Republic, Germany, Panama, Spain (AEI), Turkey.

The call topics have been defined in collaboration with the EU funded projects EU-LAC ResInfra, EULAC PerMed and SINCERE.

Funding Organisations in the 4th EU-LAC Multi-Thematic Joint Call 2022

The following programme owners confirmed their participation in the Group of Funding Parties (GPF) and their readiness to pledge financial contributions for funding the proposals selected through the Joint Call:


Sabina Guaylupo & Laura Bonora

Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)

Anneken Reise & Uta Kiwitt-Lopez

German Aerospace Center (DLR-PT)